Saturday, May 26, 2012

summer reading

Reading is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. I love reading outside in the sun, and having more free time allows me to read books I enjoy rather than textbooks for class. I am currently in a C.S. Lewis philosophy summer class, where we read a bunch of his work. There are 15 books total in six about two books a week (plus additional online readings). It's a lot, but so far I enjoy his books! 
I just finished Surprised By Joy. Next up is The Screwtape Letters and the Chronicles of Narnia. Considering I read one of the Narnia books in 4th grade, it hopefully won't take up too much summer time!
After my class is over, I will wind down with The Fame Game, the perfect, light summer read. I read Lauren Conrad's L.A. Candy series a while ago and loved it, so I'm excited for the spinoff.
I've heard The Kite Runner is wonderful, and even though I'm a little late to hop on the bandwagon, I'd like to read it.
I'd like to re-read The Alchemist. I read this for class twice in high school and it was very inspiring. It's a good one to re-read because it instills a new motivation.

What books are you reading this summer?? Any suggestions?



  1. The Alchemist is such a beautiful story. Post a review after you read The Kite Runner! I'd like to read that book! :)

    1. I agree, I loveee The Alchemist. Yes, I'm excited to read it! Will do :)
